“Jerusalem” of Kalwaria Zebrzydowska
The areas of Kalwaria Zebrzydowska are marked out in an elliptical pattern, extended in the north-eastern part by a characteristic garden motif, the so-called Goose foot.
In each vertice of the ellipse beautiful garden alleys are located: in the north-west part from the Crucifixion and the Tomb of Christ to the chapel of 5 Polish Brothers (St. Mary Magdalene) and further to the remains of the ruins of the castle in Barwałd Górny; in the eastern part, from the Tomb of Our Lady to the Chapels of Capture, Gethsemane and Ascension (Mount Oliwna) and further along the forest complex to the ruins of the castle in Lanckorona. In the southern part, towards the chapels of the House of Annas, the Cenacle, the House of Caiaphas, and the House of Our Lady (Mount Zion), the planning extension of the ellipse was formed. This extension is a unique example of incorporating a symbolic urban landscape into the garden composition.
photo Sławomir Zola
The project “Heritage of the Sanctuary in Kalwaria Zebrzydowska on the UNESCO Trail” is co-financed by the EEA Financial Mechanism for 2014-2021.