In Care of Tradition

On Thursday, 7 December, a conference “In Care of Tradition” was held, summarising the work connected with the ongoing project “The Heritage of the Sanctuary in Kalwaria Zebrzydowska on the UNESCO Trail”.
The meeting started at 10:00 a.m. The custodian of the sanctuary shared his enthusiasm about the ongoing project and warmly welcomed the attendees.
🛠️ Conservation work:
Dr Krystyna Koziel gave a presentation on the objectives and goals achieved in the conservation work carried out at the Sanctuary. He described in detail what has been done in the chapels on the Calvary paths. This is an important step in caring for the preservation of the cultural heritage of Kalwaria Zebrzydowska.
🖼️ Iconography of the journeyman houses:
O. Cyprian Moryc, OFM, PhD, focused on the iconography of the journeyman houses at Paradise Square, shedding light on their significance in the context of the history of the shrine.
🌟 Bernardine Crib:
Mr Herbert Oleschko gave an insight into the origins, history and prospects of the Bernardine Nativity Scene. It is a fascinating insight into a tradition whose roots go far back in the history of the site.
🎨 Exhibition of historical elements of the nativity scene:
The conference also included the inauguration of an exhibition of historical elements of the Calvary nativity scene, adding a visual dimension to the story of the tradition. The exhibition can be viewed in the tower of Mikołaj Zebrzydowski.
🙏 Mass:
After the presentations, participants attended Mass in the Basilica, which was the spiritual conclusion of the conference.
We would like to thank everyone for attending the conference, sharing their knowledge and concern for tradition. May this event contribute to the further development and preservation of the beautiful history of Kalwaria Zebrzydowska. 🙌🏛️

The project “Heritage of the Kalwaria Zebrzydowska Sanctuary on the UNESCO Trail” is made possible through co-financing under the EEA Financial Mechanism 2014-2021.
#KalwariaTradition #UNESCO #CulturalHistory